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Commercialization (CAT)

What is the CAT?

Centers for Advanced Technology (CATs) are part of the Empire State Development Division of Science, Technology & Innovation (NYSTAR), a program funded by New York State (NYS) through the Empire State Development division.

The CATs provide funding and support for partnerships between university researchers and New York State companies that leads to novel high-tech products. There are 15 designated CATs in NYS.

The Cornell CAT

The Cornell Institute of Biotechnology houses a CAT formally known as the Center for Life Science Enterprise, and referred to simply as the Cornell CAT.

The Cornell CAT focuses on the field of life sciences. Its mission is to support academic-New York State industry collaborations to develop life science technologies products aimed for the market.

To learn about CAT-supported technology fields, visit the NYSTAR website.

What we offer

  • Funding through CAT grants
  • 20% subsidy for BRC Facility use: Details
  • Support for Cornell E-Ship's EaC internship program
  • Instruction on writing a successful CAT grant application
  • Workshops focused on entrepreneurship in the life sciences
  • Tailored guidance to help you find a commercial partner
  • Connections with business mentors and market information
  • Office hours to answer your questions.

Don't hesitate to email us if you have a question. We are here to help you succeed!